Bingo night Friday 7th February - Eyes down at 7.30pm - Halwell & Moreleigh Village Hall
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Bingo Night
About us
All Saints, Moreleigh has an afternoon service on the 4th Sunday of the month at 4.30pm. On other weeks we join with St Leonards, Halwell and St Peter, Harbertonford in their church buildings at 9.30am..

Bingo Night
Friday 7th February Eyes down at 7.30pm at Halwell & Moreleigh Village Hall in aid of Halwell, Moreleigh and Harbertonford churches. Good prizes and refreshments.

People give to our church in a wide variety of ways, if you are able to join in and support our rural church financially we would be hugely grateful.

The Parish Giving Scheme
How can the Parish Giving Scheme work for you?

Luncheon Club @ St Leonards
Two course meal plus coffee and mints at Halwell once a month, all are welcome.

Data Protection
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of All Saints, Moreleigh is committed to safeguarding your privacy. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of All Saints, Moreleigh collects, uses and is responsible for personal information about you. Please read the enclosed Privacy Notice carefully in order to understand how your information will be treated. It also explains your rights in relation to your personal data and how to contact us.